What We Do For Clients
Research, Writing and
Strategy Development
Beginning with data and analysis, we engage with our clients to research, write and develop strategies that
align with the needs of the community.
Program Analysis and
Organizational Development
We work with clients to develop programs at various stages of development to ensure proposed programs are designed to achieve strategic objectives.
Training, Facilitation,
Convening and Field Building
We partner to collaborate and facilitate meetings featuring national and local experts on workforce development, industry-driven training partnerships, and racial equity in employment.

Work We're Proud Of
Adults are working in North Minneapolis, the East Side of Saint Paul, and elsewhere -- because of programs LukeWorks designed, and strategies that we helped to implement since 2005.
Minneapolis workers have paid sick time as a result of our work! The engagement of City residents, businesses, community organizations and other stakeholders was interesting, complex, and a very satisfying challenge to take on. LukeWorks facilitated the process, in partnership with very capable City staff, to bring that work forward.
The process for the Minneapolis Promise Zone proposal brought a lot of people together who didn’t necessarily have a shared vision for what would help address key concerns on the Northside. We’ve got some of that shared vision now – and a federal designation to help advance it.
There are multiple collaborative and collective impact efforts that LukeWorks brought together. LukeWorks brought partners together, designed strategies, and has raised millions of dollars to support their work. More than three-quarters of the funds we've raised directly benefits our client organizations and partners for organizational growth and delivery of services to people in need. That is how we provide direction for ending poverty.

Contact Us

1007 West Broadway Avenue, Suite 100 | Minneapolis, MN 55411
612-201-9130 | weisberg@lukeworks.net